Misplaced :-an externalization of the internal misplacement, the result, a pain far greater than the physical suffering?
the exploration started off with a very real form of misplacement. however, i could only imagine the pain, my craft was inadequate, my emotions handicapped.
when the focus was shifted to the pain rather than the tumour, my emotions became much more accessible.
misplaced by illness -- societal or personal?
i am reminded of a documentary about a leprosy village. perhaps we can garner a new form of strength as a result of misplacement?
死去活来 :-
if death is part of the natural cycle of life, why is the former such a taboo?
is this taboo societal or personal?
a taboo is usually a social misfit. so are taboos maintained because of a personal desire to fit into the society?
looking forward to 死亡の原声带
(ps: did a translation using Google Translate and the English translation is "The Death of the Original Band" while the Japanese translation is "元のバンドの死". both translations look quite interesting :p)
Gone with the Wind :-
is this the universal language? perhaps not.. but i just thought it looks quite fun putting them altogether.. despite all the differences..
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