(AID) Angels in Disguise |天使到過人間


"Hello Maybe" by Bernice and Yong Wei

Title: "Hello Maybe"
Date: 21 December 2010 Tuesday
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: The Finger Players Studio
ONE-TWO-SIX Cairnhill Arts Centre
126 Cairnhill Road #03-02 S(229707)
(Second Floor)
Artists: Bernice and Yong Wei
Statement of Intent:
We are independent Singaporean dancers interested in performance imporvisation, with different backgrounds in dance. We are interested in being as aware of the environment within the (my) body as of the environment without. By entering into a space and responding physically, my body reveals its phenomenological being. By composing as we dance, we create relational suggestions between us and the architecture, and are open to the possibilities of the particular space and time. The work we make hints at a world within the everyday, that is both beyond and a part of daily rituals and behaviour. Our audience is invited to see the dance as it unfolds, and as practitioners we see the things going on around us as our bodies reveal the next moment.
In this work I am not just a person walking down the street.
I am a work of art.
The question is, if I am a work of art, who made me?
God? My parents? DNA? Or you?
Are you making me right now?
Or I am not art, I am a person dancing, and for need of a word, we are calling this art.
Or maybe you are art, too, and in this moment we invent each other.

Free to come!
Spread the words!
Support the independent artists for their experimental approach!

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