(AID) Angels in Disguise |天使到過人間



Composing for suitCASES is an arduous process but I'm enjoying every bit of it...


song 木公 said...

i'm enjoying myself too... having inputs and dedications from everyone of you....

guess the spirit of the "connection" from 0501 is still strong and warm....


sonicbrat said...


song 木公 said...




artist is not service provider
but inspiration giver


sonicbrat said...

I like that... I was struggling with it earlier, and it hurts me to do art that serves. In the end I had to make the painful decision to break a working relationship with some one. But now I'm happier.

Thank you for giving me the room to create.

By the way my typo... should be "享受" heh.

song 木公 said...

i'm learning how to give more than how to take these days....

yet i'm always struggling too.... between what's to be let go and what to request from others.....

nothing i had done so great so far...sigh....

but thanks for your feedback, appreciated.:)