(AID) Angels in Disguise |天使到過人間


分享 - Street Performers

Street Performers: a little ethnography

Video 1: Was roaming along the streets in london2009 when this two people caught my attention.
AFTERWHICH: It was awesome as they actually tried to involve people whom stopped to look at them to participate in what they were doing by prompting their rackets to them. Some declined but there were also some who accepted the racket after a moment of hesitation. It was cool to see the passer bys enjoying themselves, not only as viewer but also as a participant, spreading on that moment of enjoyment to the people around them. Regardless, it brought a smile to most that day:)

Video 2: Passed by orchard yesterday before heading down to the padang with friends and saw this guy performing juggling on the streets. Decided to stop by and observe him and the people around him for a while. Passerbys stole glaces at him as they passes him. He pauses for a while to have a slip of water, and continued his juggling act.

Video 3: A lady stopped to look at his juggling, approaches him when he step forward to pick up the pins he dropped, to put a coin in his container and approaches the performer for his namecard. Thereafter before I leave after filming this bit, I went forward to drop a coin too, and the performer said his thanks immediately, even though he was still conversing with the lady.



Trigger Happy said...

thanks, min :)

song 木公 said...

always see street performers on that spot....

sometimes just wonder why that spot is turned out to be a platform for them?

passerbys... actually always block out the view from the seats in front....

and yet.... street performers go on their routine and continue their acts....

life has never been so vain sometimes.....:)