ps: advisory, mature content.
pps: sorry for the irony...
ppps: try watching with commentary being muted.
sound installation



- 谢谢leng带领“默戏”。
- 谢谢表演者们第一次连3/4的戏,却交出了最诚恳和最全部的自己。
- 谢谢出席者们在Raw Run后的回应和交流,很珍贵很有启发性。
- 谢谢大家协助清场和还原,一起完成厚道的“群策群力”之善后工作。
- 基本上,“纪事深入”走到这里,许多的篇章还是属于在“摸索”和“研发”的阶段,许多背后的意念和理想还有待用更多时间,在细节上以及在大方向上求“到位/味”。我不太担心,今天的结果绝对铺垫了基础和雏形,方便我们下一阶段的提升或转化/转换。
- 个别篇章属于第一层次,谢谢大家提醒第二层次的迫切需要,现在脑海里可以浮现的集体远程主题是:“在城市里,在茫茫人海中,渴望找到可以‘对应’,可以“一起等雨降临并且一起沐浴”的另一个雨衣人”……当然这个第二层次的具体铺排和台位走向,是我自己应该去思考的功课了。
- 雨衣人,是时候先脱下雨衣好好休息,先放空自己,先放空这样“另类”的选择,回归自己的真实人生去。
- “纪事深入系列”功德圆满矣!
- 谢谢大家,感激不尽:)
- ps: 题外话;我们的观众为什么是这样的?我们需要的观众是什么样的?我们和观众之间的关系究竟是什么?我们为什么需要观众?观众为什么需要我们?(我们应该如何陪伴观众一起成长?)
- pps: 关于艺术,是服务观众就可以变得比较重要?是引领观众就可以变得比较高尚?还是无视观众就可以变得比较自在有趣?……自己如今比较确定的是,我们的观众,不是出席在观众席的,而是坐在自己内在的良知位置的。这是我今夜最踏实的发现。谢谢大家的提醒。:)
- 很抱歉,我今天的时间掌控很糟,又让大家留得太晚。回家的路上,突然意识到自己的时间管理能力竟然不复以往,有点自惭。于是乎,觉得应该在最后一次的“深入”做到更实际和周到的考量。以下是“黑色星期五”的流程:
- 7:30-8:00: 暖身心灵(leng purposes to lead some group work, granted. we'll be back for Kee's in Sep then.:))
- 8:15-9:15: Raw Run (是的,我们在九月份再努力“到位”和“到味”了。)
- 9:15-10:00: 清场(and also body suit try-on)
- 10:00-11:00: 总结“深入”
- 回收刚才的note: “城市远瞰”;应该不是以秒针为基准,而是以集体默契和流畅度为重点才对。现在可以想到的贴切形容是:绵绵不断。
- 于是乎我这里也就很粗略地以音乐节奏来划分我们的“序;城市印象”(应该回归12分钟的框架,以防头重身弱脚轻):
- “城市无雨”:快板
- “城市远瞰”:中板
- “城市近观”之“沟通/生产力”:中快板
- “城市近观”之“机制/服务线”:小快板
- “城市近观”之“欲望/集体空虚”:慢板
- 其中:“城市近观”的所有内容是渐进爬升的。
- 而整个序,都是断章取意,以蒙太奇方式堆积一个核心。
- 以上叙述只是用另一种方法来阐述,是为了理清个别篇章的节奏和肌理,仅供参考。
- 既然是RAW RUN,容许和期待大家享受多一份自由和随性,就更多当下而为吧。
- 在此,也邀请大家之后一起去吃宵夜和喝啤酒,呵呵呵……(自由选项)。酒钱我来哦!
- friday thirteen 见:)
- ps: 谢谢Min 和Tian录影。
- pss: 没有了文字,有的是呼吸声和内在最真切感受,于是需要极度放大又显微的表征和内涵。
- 谢谢Kee继续带领。我们可以把今天所进行的当成我们《行旅》的基本暖身。请Kee准备在九月份时,加入新的工作坊元素,我会提议先进行“音乐带领节奏”的内容。
- 今天我们较锁定了“变革篇”的前半部,下周三,我们继续试验和锁定“光影”的内容。周三的目标是:完成“光影”后,走一遍“变革篇”,然后连排“序”至“变革篇”。那将是我们下周五呈献的框架。
- Tian or Min:WL要求录影“序”的部分以便她进一步修改她的“雾漫境地/Smokey Land”,可以麻烦你们进行全程录影并寄给她吗?
- 侠客:可以请你进一步书修改“讲稿”的内容吗?请于下周二前寄上你更具体的“侠客心声”好吗?
- 其他行者:请温习和自行演练自己在个别篇章的任务和个别篇章里自己的角色内涵(技术上和情感上的流程;不要忘了“起承转合”)。
- 看到“Smokey Land”的第二稿,相信大家都会有一点不知道如何对位入座。不要担心,我自己其实是很期待的,许多现在有的是精髓,在九月份将彻彻底底地解构和重建,很游戏,但同时将衍生更多有趣的可能性。
- 作为第三眼,我更确定的是,接下来我们的走向是“再造”一个我们再熟悉不过却形而上的虚拟城市氛围。出世并抽离至……寓意、诗意、警意、禅意的另外一个时空和层面。
- 周二见,我得回去很久回不去的家了。国庆日愉快!有假日真好!我爱城市!呵呵呵……:)
- 谢谢Kee工作坊的带领。建议接下来我们就只很纯粹地复习之前做过的“呼吸”和“单一元素”活动。九月我们才进阶到“音乐”和“节奏”的训练。当然,这只是建议,决定权在你了,呵呵……
- 今天试验了“变革篇”二分之一的台位走向,许多悬案有待周五回溯和理清。
- 要谢谢Wen和Min的参与,让我继续思考整出戏的下半部走进“音箱”的可能性和局限性……此刻没有具体的方向,但周五比较可以确认的是,我们先丢弃“音箱作业”,实验“现场实况”。
- 给侠客的功课:亮相退去雨衣后,在“自我治愈”中恢复信心和并转移隐疾至变革的情操上。请侠客思考如何在三个挑战中找到不一样层次的“身心灵回应”。
- 给“脚仔(福建话)”的功课:请思考如何用不一样层次的声音和动作去进行“犒赏”和“体罚”的内容。周五将让大家私下讨论后才进行台位走向。
- 题外话:沟通是美学,如何在人群中有“感染力”和“建设性”地一来一往的这件事,我自己也在学习着……声音比较大、态度比较强悍、知识比较丰富,都只是暂时的驾驭……对我而言,最让人“感动”和“满足”的,是最终集体达到无言的默契。当然,这只是一种乌托邦梦想冀望,呵呵……今天,觉得很“存在”,因为大家都很愿意“掏心掏肺”……觉得我们在最后的对话中,我们才是connecting的。我自己在剧场工作中最追求的,其实就是这样的感觉——在有限的时空里,一群人最后能够磨合成立:各施其职,互取所需,各得其所,众志成城。当然,这又是我很个人的生命重点选项了……仅此分享。
- 周五见。:)
- 谢谢Kee带领工作坊,总觉得有新的刺激就有无限可能的未来。
- 也要谢谢Tian热情参与工作坊,觉得有把你“拖下水”的感觉,呵呵……
- Tian,希望今天的“演化篇”对你接下来的全新设计工程有所帮助,加油了。
- “演化篇”的基本大轮廓完成。就如刚才说的,所有之前所做过的一切(从头到现在的)皆是基本图像,虽然当中也的确锁定了一些重要的台位走向和情节铺展,然而也更同时留下了许多“有机性选择”给大家。这些属于较个人内涵得取决的部分,还需要各位作为“主导行者”的身份,去进行更多个人的思考和演练。当然,在九月的回归时,我们会一再捡视细腻度和作出更真切的选项了。
- “变革篇”今天启动,又迈前了一步,可喜可贺!
- ps: 其实,自己回程时在思考的是:“隐疾”戏末的“揭露”是重要而必须的吗?我们需要“隐疾”存在于每一个行者的篇章里吗?哈哈……别管我,这是我自己得做的思索功课了。:)好好休息,周三见。对了,我们周三不连排,继续迈进好吗?就让连排发生在最后的preview好了,走到哪里是那里吧!
- pps: 我们如此在意,然而一切都会自然成形的;结局,毕竟只是一种暂时性的过程。(凡走过的,只是阶段性的寄托。)
- ppps: 功课:“生命究竟追寻的是什么?”周三分享。
分享 - Playtime


Quite an awesome movie.
A lecture i once had in school discussing about: The city as a series of events caught in speed and flux.
-impact of technology in people's life: time & speed
cities were shaped for cars movement then human usage? resulting one to move in a speed one doesn't know?
-visually things are changing
people travel faster, things pass in a blur.
-city to cope with transcient(not permanent)
train stations built, designing something that will not stop, keeps moving?
-media & news
changes the way people see: not what people actually see or feel at the moment.


Quite an awesome movie.
A lecture i once had in school discussing about: The city as a series of events caught in speed and flux.
-impact of technology in people's life: time & speed
cities were shaped for cars movement then human usage? resulting one to move in a speed one doesn't know?
-visually things are changing
people travel faster, things pass in a blur.
-city to cope with transcient(not permanent)
train stations built, designing something that will not stop, keeps moving?
-media & news
changes the way people see: not what people actually see or feel at the moment.
(very bad quality, but very interesting.... enjoy)
(very bad quality, but very interesting.... enjoy)
分享 - Street Performers
Street Performers: a little ethnography
Video 1: Was roaming along the streets in london2009 when this two people caught my attention.
AFTERWHICH: It was awesome as they actually tried to involve people whom stopped to look at them to participate in what they were doing by prompting their rackets to them. Some declined but there were also some who accepted the racket after a moment of hesitation. It was cool to see the passer bys enjoying themselves, not only as viewer but also as a participant, spreading on that moment of enjoyment to the people around them. Regardless, it brought a smile to most that day:)
Video 2: Passed by orchard yesterday before heading down to the padang with friends and saw this guy performing juggling on the streets. Decided to stop by and observe him and the people around him for a while. Passerbys stole glaces at him as they passes him. He pauses for a while to have a slip of water, and continued his juggling act.
Video 3: A lady stopped to look at his juggling, approaches him when he step forward to pick up the pins he dropped, to put a coin in his container and approaches the performer for his namecard. Thereafter before I leave after filming this bit, I went forward to drop a coin too, and the performer said his thanks immediately, even though he was still conversing with the lady.
Video 1: Was roaming along the streets in london2009 when this two people caught my attention.
AFTERWHICH: It was awesome as they actually tried to involve people whom stopped to look at them to participate in what they were doing by prompting their rackets to them. Some declined but there were also some who accepted the racket after a moment of hesitation. It was cool to see the passer bys enjoying themselves, not only as viewer but also as a participant, spreading on that moment of enjoyment to the people around them. Regardless, it brought a smile to most that day:)
Video 2: Passed by orchard yesterday before heading down to the padang with friends and saw this guy performing juggling on the streets. Decided to stop by and observe him and the people around him for a while. Passerbys stole glaces at him as they passes him. He pauses for a while to have a slip of water, and continued his juggling act.
Video 3: A lady stopped to look at his juggling, approaches him when he step forward to pick up the pins he dropped, to put a coin in his container and approaches the performer for his namecard. Thereafter before I leave after filming this bit, I went forward to drop a coin too, and the performer said his thanks immediately, even though he was still conversing with the lady.
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