(AID) Angels in Disguise |天使到過人間


功课一 : 文字游戏


冰冻咖啡乌,饭盒,化妆,伪装,服装,卸装,哭,笑, 呐喊, 沉默,灯,光,黑暗,剧院,空间,放空,空,人在江湖身不由己,与世隔绝,用心聆听,面对,逃避,放大镜,显微镜,与时间赛跑,一再的彩排,问题,没有答案, 寻找答案,自问自答,对白,独白,孤独,共存,节奏,默契,直觉,理性与感性之间的挣扎,人性,跟着感觉走, 似懂非懂,是非,执著,坚持,谢幕, 落幕


离开,回家,漫无目的的走,目的地,赌气,雨中漫步,放缓速度,加快脚步,熟悉的陌生人,休息,隐形人,漂移,草原, 蓝天,白云,绵绵细雨, 阴暗,灰,冷,彩虹,放空,wear comfortable walking shoes, standstill of time, 海陆空,purification of the soul, 越走越远,rediscover, re-learn, re-appreciate, rewind, replay, realize, recreate, making sense of randomness, local tourist, conversation with the self, reaffirmation of the self, indulgence, 颓废

静时动 动时静,呼吸, make believe, believe, control, precision, gears and mechanisms, 是人非人,larger-than-life, larger-than-self, transference of energy and concentration, through the looking glass, rhythmic heartbeat, 放大的小细节,phantasy, 玩偶,schizo-autistic, alter-ego, singularity within duality, reaching in to reach out, beyond words, beyond imagination, visage, safe haven, versatility, immortality, visible invisibility, virtual reality

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