(AID) Angels in Disguise |天使到過人間





Trigger Happy said...

hahaha.. u've posted this before on this blog.. check out the entry on 11/04/2009, 搭轨 : 前菜. :)

hmm... that's a sign that we've not been drifting too far off course all these while? :)

song 木公 said...

sigh, me old already.:(

or this song should come in only at this moment????

yup, that's how i felt too.... :)spend so much time to explore the bushes and yet back to the origin...

but guess drifing will come in in another form again... be prepared....:)

did i tell you that leng almost use it for her piece in 0501?:)

Trigger Happy said...

yup.. u mentioned it when u post it for the first time..

haha.. old? maybe..

but this song is definitely very distinct, otherwise i won't have remembered that you have posted it before when i listen to it just now.:)